Community Invasive Non-Native Group; bringing people and the environment together to improve the health and wellbeing of both.


The Trustees are sorry to announce the closure of CINNG. We thank all the CINNG
volunteers and the organisations and individuals CINNG has worked with over the
last decade. 

We are pleased to announce that we have awarded the CINNG Legacy Fund to South West Lakes Trust who will use the Fund to host the Cornwall Invasive Species Forum for the next few years. If you would like to join the Forum please email Laura Dee (SWLT Invasive Species Officer)

CINNG is a Local Action Group based in Cornwall and working throughout South West England. CINNG raises awareness of the adverse impacts of Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) on the natural environment and the ecosystem goods and services it provides. We work with community volunteers and relevant organizations (e.g. utility companies, national charities and government agencies) to conserve, protect and improve the natural environment by reducing the impact of INNS.

CINNG often work with other organisations including South West Lakes Trust, South West Water, CABI, National Trust, Cornwall Reptile and Amphibian Group and Cornwall Butterfly Conservation. This collaboration allows actions to have a greater impact and sharing of expert knowledge.


For more information on our projects please contact us.

Peter McGregor – Chair
